I Dropped To 132 Using The 7-Second Cold Water Recipe Below 


My name Ruth Jones,
San Diego, California
Mom of 2 and Grandma of 3

When I first heard about the pre-bedtime routine, I was skeptical, thinking "Can this really be true?" But trust me, don't dispute it...it really works!

The results for myself and those around me have been truly remarkable. Every person I know has seen a positive outcome from their experience.

When I was in my early 20s, I was stunningly beautiful and attractive, practically every man's dream. However, my charm, beauty, and attractive figure began to fade away after my second child.

Before I got pregnant for the second time, I had difficulty managing my figure. I was content with my weight at 139 pounds.

After my pregnancy, I was determined to regain my shape and I weighed 205 pounds.

I was desperate for a change in how I looked and felt.

I was so unhappy with how I looked and felt. I was in desperate need!

I started going to the gym, nearly only drinking water, increasing my physical activity, reducing caloric intake, and so forth.

Every morning, I dedicated 90 minutes to exercising by jogging on treadmills, using the elliptical, performing squats, etc. It was certainly not an easy feat.

I don't enjoy exercising daily, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get my weight down to 139. Despite my efforts, the scale wouldn't budge.

After a few months, I realized that my husband wasn't giving me the same level of attention as before, and the bond between us had weakened due to my body size.

He attempted to motivate me with some uplifting words and attempted to assure me that everything was alright.

But I knew it wasn’t. And I realized that if I did not take action soon, I would be stuck in the same place. Therefore, I decided it was time to try something different.

The simple little-known facts that changed my life!


Fortunately, When I was out shopping, I unexpectedly ran into my old friend Lizzy for the first time in years.

I almost didn't recognise her; she looked stunning in her skinny jeans and tight top. Lizzy had changed drastically from the person I used to know.

I was so surprised that I yelled out, "How did it happen? How does someone go from looking like me to looking like a model?" We both had a good laugh at that!

She told me about a peculiar "Simple Before bed Ritual" she had heard of and promised me she would send me the same video she had watched.

In less than a minute each night, this simple ritual can help revitalize the body during sleep.

For those who know me well, know that I’m very skeptical… and after watching the video, at first, I felt no different.

"I couldn't believe it was going to be that simple," I thought. However, after getting to know Lizzy and seeing her success, I figured I would give it a try!"

I wish I'd had the idea before.

Guess what? It works like magic!

I started using it at 205. I am now at 138 - and that's without even doing any exercise.

It's still hard for me to believe...!

I was enjoying all of my favorite foods! It was incredible. It was effortless. And I'll dedicate  the rest of my life to sharing about the  incredible life changing experience.

Don't get me wrong, exercise is very important, and just recently, I feel like I have a lot more energy to exercise. I now actually WANT to go to the gym.

But it's just mind blowing ! I am amazed that I was able to reach 138  without even exercising.

To watch the same video my friend Lizzy showed me before my transformation started.

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